ESR Communications and Outreach Training

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April 29, 2023 all-day
Zirkusgasse 28/12
1020 Vienna.
David Trads


Introduction to communications with press and others through a hands-on workshop where we will quickly move from the abstract to each student’s individual plan. There will be a follow-up workshop at the end of the year when students are to attend the CriticalEarth-conference in Exeter, UK. In between the workshops in Vienna and Exeter individual projects will be discussed virtually.


Students involved in Critical Earth Project.

Workshop leader:

David Trads, journalist and author, associated with Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.


09:00-9:30        Introduction: Why is it important to communicate science to outside world? And: How does it help your career if you’re good at it?

09:30-10:30      What is a ‘good story’? And: How does a reporter want? And: Why are news criteria important to understand?

10:30-11:00      Definitions of different target groups. And: How to use target groups.

11:00-12:00      What is ‘your’ good story? And: how to reduce complexity and make scientific insights accessible to broader audiences.

12:00-12:45      Lunch

12:45-13:45      Write a brief, popular blogpost. And: How to keep it simple! And: Learn to communicate your message quickly

14:00-15:00      How to improve a blogpost. And: How to maximize attention. And: Learn a few easy tools to express yourself in a simple, but precise manner.

15:00-15:30      Individual assignments & wrap-up.